Set up YUM Repo on RHEL8
Yum is used to Install & Configure software packages in RHEL server.
To configure yum will look for software location. Without configuration the yum/dnf command will not work. There are different location/path we can configure as explained below.
We can setup yum Repo :-
- Use locally-mounted DVD with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
- Network or internet location.
- Mount the RHEL installation ISO to a directory like
Create Repo: Go to path /etc/yum.repos.d. you can give any name but should be extension with .repo.
Sample yum repo that uses localpath:
Now try installing httpd server. It started the installation as there are repo located located path. The required software are available and installation started.
$ yum install httpd
To check how many repo lists configured in current system:
Create EPEL Repo:
After installation of EPEL, below repos will be automatically created.